Usually, if you want to pay a bill with a check you have to do several steps. First find your check book, then write out the check, then find an envelope and a stamp, then put it all together and take the stamped envelope with the check inside to a mail box or to the post office. Depending on how busy your schedule is, that check may not make it into the mail for a day or two, then it takes a few days for processing and transporting the mail to its destination, then it has to be directed to the correct person at the business it is going to before your account is finally credited and your check is deposited. When it is all written out like this, we start to realize how much is involved in something seemingly as simple as paying with a check. With a phone check, most of the little in-between steps are eliminated.
To pay with checks by phone, the whole long process is whittled down to just a couple minutes. The first and most important step for the business owner is to purchase the phone check software from Q-Check. Once this safe and innovative software is installed, the customer simply gives their checking account information to the business, it gets entered into the system, and anytime that customer wants to write a check to that business, they just call in with the amount. The phone check process really is that quick and easy.