Most businesses accept either cash or credit cards for payment, but not all of them will accept a personal check. Taking a personal check for payment opens up a whole list of possible negative outcomes that many business owners do not have the time, nor the desire to deal with. There are many dishonest people who will try to pass off a fraudulent or stolen check, or write a check using an old account that has been closed for months. Even people with the best of intentions can sometimes unknowingly write a check that will bounce. How does a business owner balance the need to be paid with the desire for convenience? With check verification services from Q-Check, you can once again feel comfortable accepting personal checks.
All Q-Check software has check verification by phone built in to it. When a customer pays by check, simply enter the check information into the system and click on the button for check verification. Through this easy process, our software will send the information out to a nationwide database of checking accounts and return a response code that lets you know whether to accept or decline the check. More than that, our check verification software will also tell you the reason for the response, which may help you decide whether or not you want to accept a check from that person in the future. To use this straight forward system, all you have to do is have a current software license from Q-Check, then purchase your verifications. We charge for each check verification, but the more you buy the less it costs per verification. All check verifications expire after 6 months so be sure to use them in the allotted time frame.
With check verification from Q-Check, you can offer the convenience of accepting personal checks without having to worry about being burned. Our check verification by phone software is affordable and very easy to use, and will open up your ability to accept all different types of payments.