Check Verification is a newer addition to the Q~Check software. Check verification gives the merchant the ability to verify his phone checks before depositing them into the bank.
This give the merchant a distinct advantage since they will have a very good idea of whether or not the check is good and therefore they can hold off depositing the check until they confirm with their client.
Our online check verification system works with about 85% of the checking accounts in the country. The banks that have these checking accounts upload a file every day to a database and it is this database that our Q~Check software accesses in order to verify the check.
Our system is not one where we are measuring whether a check writer has a history of bad checks. It is actually measuring hard date to determine to the best of its ability whether or not the check will be good or bad. Following are some examples of the type of data that is returned:
1. Valid, Open, Positive Account
2. Invalid Routing
3. Invalid Account
4. Closed Account
5. Maybe Fraud or Stolen
and more.
You can see the entire list of Response Codes on our website:Verification Response Codes
The verifications are transmitted using the Q~Check software. After a check in typed into the system the Verification button is clicked to verify the single check. A merchant can also upload a simple csv file with 4 pieces of data and verify their checks as a batch.
Verification users can buy as little as 10 verifications at a time or they can buy thousands – the greateer the volume purchased the lower the cost per transaction.
You can visit the website to learn more about verifications: Learn About Verifications
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