Many people pay for things by writing a check, but usually that check must be mailed in. Mailing a check is time consuming and can take several days for a payment to be processed. One of the most uncomplicated ways to receive payments in a timely manner is to accept phone checks. Taking checks by phone offers your customers the convenience of paying with a quick phone call, and affords you the peace of mind that your invoices are indeed being paid. It is a win-win situation for both parties involved, and you can be confident that all of your transactions are secure when using the Q-Check software.
The phone checks process begins when your customer calls in to pay. You take their checking account information and enter it into your computer that has the Q-Check phone checks software on it. When all the information is entered, you print the check on check paper and deposit it. You could also wait until the end of the day and print all of your checks at once. It may seem over-simplified, but the Q-Check software makes taking checks by phone just that easy. For an extra fee, you can also pre-verify that the account has the funds available in it.