One very straightforward way of accepting a payment is to take a fax check, which simply means allowing your customer to fax over a check that you can use to process their payment. Checks by fax are not only advantageous to the customer, they also give you the ability to ensure that the information is entered correctly into your database because you can go back and review the pertinent numbers without having to contact the customer again. No more asking them to repeat themselves over and over again because of a bad connection or interference from loud background noises.
Some people may not feel comfortable faxing their signature or check to you because of security reasons, but there is no reason to fear with the fax check software from Q-Check. The check that is faxed does not have to be signed for your business to be able to process the payment. And if the customer is out of checks, they do not even have to fax an actual check over. You can create a form for them to fill out with all the necessary information that they can then fax back to you. Q-Check software is safe and secure so your customers can be worry-free when they use the convenient fax check system.